My mother could needlepoint so well that the back side of her creations rivaled the neatness and beauty of the front. She could knit wonderful afghans and sweaters, a skill that has skipped a generation and has been bestowed upon my daughter. I can do none of these things, but not for lack of trying.
So, I set out to find what I could do. I have dabbled with doll making, quilting, sewing, and jewelry making. I’ve made cinnamon ornaments, baskets of rope and fabric, and crocheted a myriad of scarves and afghans. These all satisfied the creative part of me. Yet, I needed more.
Then I found the art of mosaic. I so enjoyed making glass on glass pieces, that I filled my house with them to the point I feared the house would burst at its seems.
Recently, I discovered needle felting, and I fell under its spell, too. I found it as addicting as glass on glass mosaic.
So, like with the glass on glass mosaic, I decided that I would share my needle felting creations with you, too. So, laugh a little. Oooh a little. Enjoy.